3D Printing
Please review the 3D Printer Policy and Guidelines for Use before submitting a request.
Reserve to use one of our 3D printers! Hands-on 3D printer use is available to SRLS cardholders ages 18 and older.
3D Printers are available to the public to make three-dimensional objects in plastic using a design that is uploaded from a digital computer file. The Library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request. The Library’s 3D printers may be used only for lawful purposes. The public will not be permitted to use the Library’s 3D printers to create material that is: Prohibited by local, state or federal law. Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others. (Such use may violate the terms of use of the manufacturer.) Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment. In violation of another’s intellectual property rights. For example, the printers will not be used to reproduce material that is subject to copyright, patent or trademark protection. Users must complete a 3D Print Request Form before their print job is accepted. Print jobs must be under three hours, unless approved by library administration. Only Library staff or patrons with a completed user waiver will have hands-on access to the 3D printers. Cost per gram is posted prominently near the machines and is established by the County Library Board of Trustees which may change the fee at any time by action of the Board of Trustees.
Guidelines for Use (Library Staff Led 3D Print Request):
Complete a 3D Print Request Form before print job is started. Print jobs more than 3 hours may not be available for immediate print. Cost of printing will be 15 cents per gram minimum charge of $3.00 per each print job. You will be notified when your print job is complete. Items printed will be picked up within 7 days during regularly scheduled library hours, after which they will become property of the Library. Items must be picked up by the individual who requested the print job. Print time will be scheduled by library staff. PLEASE NOTE: A “complete” print job does not always mean “successful.” The library will still notify you of completion even if it does not come out perfectly. Reprints will only be available in the event of machine malfunction. Failed prints due to errors within the 3D model (print file submitted) will still be charged for materials used. All print jobs are pending until approved by library staff.
Guidelines for Use (Patron Led 3D Printer Reservation Request):
Guidelines for Use (Patron Led 3D Printer Reservation Request): Complete a 3D Print Request Form before the print job is started. 3D Printer Reservations are available to library cardholders ages 18 and older. Print jobs must start and end during library operating hours and take no more than 3 hours to complete. You can estimate the print duration for your 3D object using Cura Lulzbot, this 3D printing calculator, or comparing your 3D object to one of our samples shown later in this form. 3D printer users must remain on the library premises until the completion of their 3D print. Cost of printing will be 15 cents per gram minimum charge of $3.00 per print job. 3D printer filament will be provided by the library. Print time will be scheduled by library staff based on your request. Please wait to receive a confirmation of your reservation before coming to the library to print. PLEASE NOTE: A “complete” print job does not always mean “successful.” Reprints will only be available in the event of machine malfunction. Failed prints due to errors within the 3D model (print file submitted) will still be charged for materials used. All patron led 3D printer reservation requests are pending until approved by library staff.