Digitizing Equipment

The following branches offer free use of digitizing equipment:
Gilmer County Library (made possible in part by a grant awarded by Faith Hope and Charity)
Rose Creek Public Library (made possible in part by a grant awarded by Cobb EMC)
Guidelines for Use:
A library account in good standing is required to use digitizing equipment.
Accepted formats include images of any size up to 12”x17” (including drawings, maps, or large books), standard photographic slides, negative films, DVD/VHS recordings, cassettes, and CDs/DVDs (Rose Creek Public Library ONLY).
Users should be 18 years of age or older to use the digitizing equipment and must have a valid SRLS library card. Completion of the Digitizing Equipment Request Form by a parent/guardian is required for users under 18 years old.
Appointments can be scheduled for a maximum of 3 hours. If equipment is not reserved by another user, a maximum of 2 appointments can be scheduled per day.
Users who schedule appointments are responsible for any misuse or damage to library equipment. If equipment is damaged beyond repair, users will be charged full replacement cost as assessed by SRLS.
Food and drink are not permitted when using the equipment.
User agrees that the library will be held harmless and is not liable for any damage or injury to user or user’s personal property as a result of using the library digitizing equipment.
Items with excessive damage, including but not limited to mold or mildew, are ineligible for digitizing. Library staff will inspect items for damage.
Library staff can provide assistance on using equipment but may be unavailable to offer extensive help during appointments.
Please note, appointments are not scheduled until confirmed by library staff. At the first appointment, staff will provide a brief overview of the equipment. For any questions about this new service, please contact Gilmer County Library at 706-635-4528 or Rose Creek Library at 770-591-1491.