Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary loan service enables patrons of one library to borrow physical materials that are held by another library.
Request Limit
There is a limit of three (3) active ILLs/requests per patron at any given time. Holds on interlibrary loan materials are included in the standard hold limit.
Loan Period: Materials are generally loaned for two (2) weeks.
The loan period may vary depending on the material and the lending library.
All loans should be picked up promptly.
Materials Unavailable For Interlibrary Loan Requests
Our libraries will do our best to request the books that you request through the Interlibrary Loan system but there are some restrictions.
Here is a short list of the items that SRLS is unable to request:
Titles published within the current year or not yet published.
Titles on current local or national bestseller lists
Rare and valuable books as well as reference genealogy titles that are non-circulating.
Non-print materials such as CDs, DVDs, cassette tapes and videos, eBooks.
Renewals of Interlibrary Loans are granted by the lending library. Renewals are not automatic and must be requested from the Public Services Specialist at your library at least one (1) week before the materials are due. Borrowers may request one (1) renewal.
Fees: Patrons are responsible for all charges pertaining to their Interlibrary Loan. Overdue Interlibrary Loans are fined $0.50 per day. If a borrower authorizes the library to obtain material from a library that charges a lending fee, the patron is responsible for paying the fee. Borrowers are responsible for any charges for materials lost or damaged while checked out to the borrower. The lending library determines the cost for any lost or damaged material. Borrowers are responsible for all postage charges for loans.